A must-know note for those who like to eat beans
Eat tofu in a scientific way to avoid the following health problems!

Causes iodine deficiency
Tofu contains saponins. If eaten a lot, saponins are absorbed into the body in a large amount, which will eliminate iodine, leading to iodine deficiency.
Causes hardening of the arteries
The protein in tofu, if not fully absorbed, will become excess, increasing the amount of cholesterol in the blood, causing hardening of the arteries.
Effects on male fertility
Tofu made from soybeans, contains isoflavones, increases the amount of estrogen in the body. Men who eat daily will disrupt the balance of hormones, reduce sperm count significantly.
Causes thyroid
problems People with thyroid problems should not eat a lot of tofu or soy products because it affects the hormonal balance.
Causes kidney function failure
Tofu has a small nitrogen content, eating a lot makes the kidneys work harder to filter out nitrogen, causing kidney failure in the long run. Some for-profit establishments add gypsum, calcium sulfate or calcium chloride when processing tofu, causing liver failure, kidney stones... harming the body.
- The elderly, people with body disease, anemia, iron deficiency, gout, atherosclerosis... should limit eating tofu.
- The average person should only eat every 3 weeks, about 100 grams each time.