Missed period is a successful conception?
When they are trying to conceive, when their period is late, many women think that they have successfully conceived, so they are very happy to announce the good news to everyone. However, is it that when you miss your period, you have successfully conceived as you think?

In fact, the delay in menstruation can be one of the following reasons:
Signs of pregnancy
When pregnant, for a while, the menstrual cycle will stop. You can do a urinalysis if your period is up to a week late because chances are you've successfully conceived. This possibility will be higher when accompanied by additional symptoms such as chest pain, nausea ... to be sure of the final accurate results, you should still conduct an ultrasound.
The body is malnourished.
The body is malnourished, too thin, the estrogen is easily stopped secreting and ovulating. The usual cases of estrogen deficiency and amenorrhea often fall on women with anorexia or psychogenic binge eating.
Underactive thyroid Thyroid
disease can decrease or increase secretion of the hormone prolactin, a reproductive hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. Changes in hormone levels can affect the hypothalamus and cause amenorrhea.
Side effects of oral contraceptives
Delayed periods can also be caused by long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
Domperidone, an ingredient in birth control pills, can interfere with and cause stomach upset. Because domperidone will easily pass through the blood-brain, it is considered to have no inhibitory effect on central dopamine receptors. Inhibition of central dopamine receptors causes corticosteroids to decrease, leading to delayed ovulation, delaying the next menstrual cycle.
Due to surgery
Surgery is also one of the causes of delayed menstruation because it can cause cervical adhesions, leading to internal blood stasis during surgery.
Excessive physical activity
Delayed menstruation is also common in women with high intensity and intense exercise. The hormone leptin "signals" to the brain what percentage of body fat you have, and this ratio affects your period.
Hormone imbalance
Polycystic ovary syndrome causes androgen and estrogen levels to last longer, not up and down like in a normal menstrual cycle because the pituitary gland decreases hormone secretion, does not produce ovulation and menstruation. moon. Polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by signs such as amenorrhea, obesity, or abnormal uterine bleeding.
Due to other causes
Menstrual delay can also be caused by one of the following reasons: change in living environment, mental stress, psychological factors that affect the endocrine system, etc. Temporarily affects the hypothalamus causing loss of ovulation and amenorrhea. And menstruation will return when your spirit is comfortable and psychologically balanced.