What disease should not eat watermelon?
Watermelon is a popular summer fruit for food, smoothies, and refreshments. However, not everyone eating watermelon is good for health.

Here are the people who should eliminate watermelon from their diet:
1. Diabetic patients People
with diabetes should not eat watermelon, because watermelon contains a lot of sugar (about 5% of all types). Street). This leads to high blood sugar.
For people with diabetes, just a little bit of sugary foods that are introduced into the body will cause blood sugar levels to rise and disrupt metabolism in the body. The consequences can lead to poisoning, even life-threatening.
2. Low blood pressure patients People
with low blood pressure should abstain from watermelon. Because eating a lot of watermelon causes the patient's blood pressure to drop, which can lead to damage to the arteries in the body.
3. Mouth ulcers
The reason why you should not eat watermelon when you have mouth ulcers is because: eating watermelon causes water in the body to be excreted quickly, causing dehydration of the body, making the mouth dry and causing heat in the mouth leading to more severe mouth ulcers. Because according to Oriental medicine, the cause of mouth ulcers is due to internal heat failure and upper fire failure.
4. Colds in the early stages
Watermelon is inherently cold, is a fruit that has a cooling effect, so eating watermelon when a cold will make the disease more serious.
5. Poor kidney function
Watermelon promotes a strong excretory system. Meanwhile, your kidneys are not good, which will lead to increased blood volume and swelling of the lower limbs or the whole body, even acute heart failure.
6. Patients with stomach
ulcers Watermelon has a diuretic effect, if you eat a lot of watermelon, it will make all the water needed to restore the ulcer is eliminated, making the disease longer and more serious. .
7. Digestive diseases
The coldness in watermelon is not good for people with bad digestive system and nocturia. In particular, people with heart disease should not eat a lot of watermelon.