Menstruation is red, black, pink, gray... which is abnormal, which is normal?
Every time "aunt" visits, women should observe the following things to avoid the risk of early gynecological diseases.

Menstrual cycle is an important physiological factor that any girl will encounter every month. During this period, the body expels mucosal tissue and blood from the uterus through the vagina. This bloody discharge can vary from bright red to dark brown or black depending on how long it stays in the uterus. Blood that stays in the uterus for a long time will have time to oxidize, so the longer it accumulates, the darker the color will be. Hormonal changes can affect the color of menstrual blood.
Through the color of menstruation, women can identify potential health problems in their body.
Menstruation is black
You may be alarmed to see that your menstrual blood is black, but this is not necessarily a cause for concern. Black blood can appear at the beginning or end of a person's period. Black color is a sign of old blood or blood that has taken longer to come out of the uterus. Through oxidation, blood first turns brown or dark red and then black.
Black blood can also sometimes indicate a blockage on the way out from the uterus or inside the vagina. Blood remains in the uterine cavity, taking longer to come out to the vagina, such as adhesions to the uterine cavity, narrowing of the uterus, defects in the cesarean section...
However, if the menstrual blood is black for about 7 days, then you need to pay attention and go to the doctor right away. Causes can include endocrine disorders, gynecological diseases or the structure of the uterus folded ...
Menstruation is brown or dark red
Just like black blood, brown or dark red is a sign of old blood, which can appear at the beginning or end of your period.
Menstruation is bright red
Your period may begin with bright red blood and darken towards the end of your period. Some women even find that their blood remains bright red during their period.
Bright red or irregular bleeding between periods can be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Abnormalities that develop in the lining of the uterus, such as polyps or fibroids, can also cause heavy bleeding.
In rare cases bright red bleeding can be a sign of cervical cancer, cervical polyps.
Menstruation is pink
Pink blood can occur when menstrual blood mixes with cervical fluid.
Using hormonal birth control can lower estrogen levels in the body, leading to lighter, pinkish menstrual periods.
Sex can create small stretch marks in the vagina or cervix. Blood from these stretch marks can mix with vaginal discharge and exit the patient's body as a pink discharge.
Other causes of pink menstrual bleeding can include nutritional deficiencies or anemia. In addition, pink menstrual blood can be caused by sudden rapid weight loss, unhealthy diet, anemia (iron deficiency)...
Menstruation is orange
Blood mixed with cervical fluid can also be orange.
Orange blood or orange vaginal discharge is usually a sign of an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. In this case, you should see a gynecologist.
Menstruation is gray
Gray discharge is often a sign of bacterial vaginosis, a condition that occurs due to an imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the vagina.
Other symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include vulvar itching, vaginal odor, fishy-smelling vaginal discharge, painful urination, burning, etc. In this case, you should also see a gynecologist. department.
Menstrual blood clot
Menstrual blood of a healthy person contains visible fragments of the lining of the uterus. These small pieces of tissue or blood clots are not a cause for concern.
However, if you have heavy bleeding or large clots, it could be a sign of menorrhagia or menorrhagia.
You should see your doctor if you have any of the following signs: bleeding so much that you need to change tampons or pads every 2 hours or less, a blood clot the size of your fingertip or more.
Menstruation is a mirror that reflects the reproductive health of women. Therefore, women should not be negligent but should take some time to observe if the color of your period is abnormal! If the menstrual cycle has an unusual color, you need to see a doctor to receive the advice of a doctor, from which there is a timely treatment direction.